Diagram 1 shows the arrangement of the apparatus for an experiment to study a wave phenomenon.
PHYSICS Problems And Solutions / Soalan fizik & penyelesaian
Wave phenomenon
Diagram 1 shows the effect of pressure on a sandy beach when a man sits on a chair. Diagram 2 shows the same man sitting on the same chair after a piece of plank is placed under the chair.
Velocity-time graph
Diagram 1 shows a velocity-time graph for bus A and bus B traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Butterworth. Both buses start their journey at the same time.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan graf halaju-masa bagi bas A dan bas B yang membuat perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke butterworth. Kedua-dua bas bertolak pada masa yang sama.
(a) (i) What is the meaning of velocity?
Apakah maksud halaju?
(b) Based on Diagram 1, compare the velocity of bus A and bus B in the first hour, the gradient and area under the graph.
State the relationship between velocity and acceleration. State the type of motion during the last two hours of travel.
Berdasarkan Rajah 1, bandingkan halaju bas A dan bas B dalam satu jam pertama, hubungan antara halaju dan pecutan. Nyatakan jenis gerakan bagi dua jam terakhir perjalanan
(b) Diagram 2 shows a graph of displacement-time for a car with passenger onboard.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan graf sesaran-masa bagi satu perjalanan kereta bersama penumpang.
From the graph, explain the type of the car throughout the journey.
What is the total displacement travelled?
Berdasarkan graf, jelaskan jenis gerakan kereta sepanjang perjalanan.
Berapakah jumlah sesaran yang dilalui?
(c) Diagram 3 shows an ordinary bicycle.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebuah basikal biasa.
You are required to give some suggestions to enable a cyclist to ride the bicycle safely at a higher speed.
Using your knowledge on forces and motion and properties of materials, explain your suggestions based on the following aspects:
Anda dikehendaki memberi beberapa cadangan untuk membolehkan seorang menunggang basikal itu pada laju yang lebih tinggi dengan selamat.
Dengan menggunakan pengetahuan anda tentang daya dan gerakan dan sifat-sifat bahan, terangkan cadangan anda berdasarkan aspek-aspek berikut:
The mass of the bicycle
Jisim basikal