
  Diagram 10 shows the condition of a car after an accident.

Rajah 10  menunjukkan keadaan sebuah kereta selepas satu kemalangan.
(a)     (i) Name the zone X?
             Namakan zon X?
[1 mark]
                  (ii)     Explain what happen to zone X when the car  involved in head-on collision.    
Terangkan apa yang berlaku kepada zon X apabila kereta tersebut terlibat
                           dengan pelanggaran depan ke depan.                  
[2 marks]
                  (iii)    State two functions of zone X during collison.
                       Nyatakan dua fungsi zon X semasa berlaku pelanggaran.         
[2 marks]

(b)               Diagram below shows two car moving in high speed  before applying the emergency

Diagram 10.2              Diagram 10.3

Based on Diagram 10.2 and 10.3 state the common characteristics of the two situates. Relate the characteristics to the physics concepts involved.
            Berdasarkan Rajah 10.2 dan 10.3, bandingkan ciri yang sama di antara dua situasi ini.
Hubungkaitkan ciri-ciri tersebut terhadap konsep fizik.
                [5 marks]

(c) Diagram 10.4 shows the design of a racing car used by Team A.

You are required to give suggestions to optimize the safety of racing car. Using your knowledge on momentum, force impact, safety features in vehicles and the properties of material, explain the suggestion based on the following aspects:
Anda diminta untuk memberikan cadangan untuk meningkatkan tahap keselamatan kereta lumba. Menggunakan pengetahuan anda tentang momenum, daya impak, ciri keselamatan dalam kenderaan dan sifat bahan, terangkan cadangan anda berdasarkan aspek berikut:
(i)                 Materials to make the crushable energy –absorbing structure
Bahan untuk membina struktur mudah pecah dan menyerap tenaga
(ii)               Strength of driver safety cell
Kekuatan sel keselamatan pemandu
(iii)             Maximum protection in driver support area
Perlindungan maksimum di bahagian sokongan pemandu
                                                                                    [10 marks]

Crumple zone // crush zone
The zone x (crumple zones) are designed to deform and crumple in a collision. This absorbs some of the energy of the impact, preventing it from being transmitted to the occupants. Crumple zone can minimize occupant injury,

They reduce the initial force of the crash
They redistribute the force before it reaches the vehicle's occupants.

Both car are moving with high speed
Both car applying emergency brake in high speed
Car in Diagram 10.2 are without ABS and skidded on the road
Car in Diagram 10.3 with ABS are not skidded on the road.
ABS brake avoid skidding when braking.


Build up from light weight and high strength material but easily crumple.

It will prolong the time of collision
Reduce the impulsive force

Build up from high strength material such as steel bar

Prevents the collapse of the front and back of the car into the passenger compartment. Also gives good protection from a side-on collision.
Shatter-proof windscreen
Prevents the windscreen from shattering
Air bag
Acts as a  cushion for the head and body in an accident and thus prevents injuries to the driver and passengers.
Safety seat belt
Prevents the passengers from being thrown out of the car. Slows down the forward movement of the passengers when the car stops abruptly.