
Spring the most important component of a vehicle suspension system.
The elasticity of a spring enables vehicles to move steadily on an uneven road surface.

Spring merupakan komponen yang paling penting dalam sistem sokongan sebuah kenderaan.
Sifat kekenyalan spring membolehkan kenderaan bergerak dengan stabil di atas permukaan jalan yang tidak rata.

(a) Give the meaning of elasticity.
     Berikan maksud kekenyalan.
(b) Explain the relationship between the force, F that is acting upon a spring and the extention, x of the spring by using a graph of force, F against extention, x.
     Terangkan hubungan di antara daya, F yang dikenakan pada sebuah spring dengan pemanjangan, x spring tersebut dengan menggunakan graf daya, F melawan pemanjangan,x.

(ii) Name one physics law that states the relationship that is explained in (ii)
    Namakan satu hukum fizik yang menyatakan hubungan yang diterangkan dalam (ii).

(iii) Given the relationship between F and x by equation :


     With k is the force constant of the spring
     Diberikan hubungan F dengan x oleh rumus:

     Dengan k adalah daya spring

Based on the equation and the graph that is given in the answer of (i), name one physics quantity that is represented by the gradient of the graph.

Berpandukan rumus di atas dengan graf yang diberikan dalam jawapan (i), namakan sati kuantiti fizik yang diwakili oleh kecerunan graf tersebut.

(c) Table shows the arrangement of the spring systems S,T,U and V with different specification.
     Jadual menunjukkan susunan-susunan sistem spring S,T,U dan V dengan spefikasi yang berlainan.

Based on the information given in the table above,

(i) Determine the extension, x of the spring when a force of 100 N is acting upon each of the spring arrangement.

(ii) The above diagram shows the application of the spring in a portable cradle that can support a baby weighted 10 kg.

You are assigned to study the design and characteristics of the spring systems, S,T,U and V from the following aspects:
  • Extention of the spring when the weight the baby is loaded on the spring.
  • Density of the spring wire
  • Arrangement of the spring