stroboscopic photograph

Diagram shows a stroboscopic photograph of two steel balls A and B with masses 50 g and 100 g respectively in a state of free-fall. Both balls are dropped simultaneously from the same height.
Rajah menunjukkan suatu fotograf stroboskop bagi dua bola keluli A dan b berjisim 50 g dan 100 g masing-masing berada dalam keadaan jatuh bebas. Kedua-dua bola dilepaskan serentak dari ketinggian yang sama.


 (i) What is meant by free-fall?
Apakah maksud jatuh bebas?

(ii) Using diagram compare the distance between two successive images of the balls and the time taken between two successive images of the balls. Based on your comparisons state the type of motion of the balls.