velocity against time

Diagram shows the velocity against time graph on an object for a period of 14 seconds.
Rajah menunjukkan graf halaju melawan masa bagi suatu objek dalam tempoh 14 saat.

(a) What is meant by velocity?
     Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan halaju?

(b) Calculate the total displacement travelled by the object from A to E
      Hitungkan jumlah sesaran yang dilalui objek dari A ke E.

(c) Based on diagram, sketch the acceleration-time graph for the whole journey of the object.
      Berdasarkan Rajah, lakarkan graf pecutan-masa bagi keseluruhan perjalanan objek itu.

Rate of change of displacement
Total displacement = (1/2 x 4 x 10 ) + ( 6 x 10) + (1/2   x  2 x 10 ) - ( 1/2 x 2 x 10 )
=80 cm