
Diagram shows The seashore.
Rajah menunjukkan tepi pantai.

(a) (i) Name the phenomenon show in diagram above.
          Namakan fenomena ditunjukkan pada rajah di atas.


      (ii) What happens to the sea waves as they hit the barrier wall?
           Apakah terjadi kepada gelombang laut bila memukul dinding halangan?


      (iii) Draw in diagram above, the wave pattern after the waves hit the barrier wall.
           Lukis pada rajah di atas, bentuk gelombang selepas gelombang memukul dinding halangan?

(b) What is the fuction of the barrier wall build in the sea near the shore?
     Apakah fungsi dinding halangan yang didirikan di dalam laut berdekatan dengan pantai?


They are reflected by the barrier wall
To protect the shore from being bit by large waves//
to protect coastal above erotion by sea waves