
A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between mass, m, and the difference of height, h of the liquid.

The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Diagram 1.1.

The total mass, m of the experiment is the sum of the slotted mass, m1, and the mass of piston, m2. [m = m1 + m2].
The mass of the piston in the experiment, m2 = 50.0 g.

Seorang pelajar menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara jisim, m dan perbezaan tinggi, h,  suatu cecair.

Susunan radas ditunjukkan pada Rajah 1.1.

Jumlah jisim, m bagi eksperimen adalah hasil tambah jisim pemberat, m1 dan jisim piston, m2. [m = m1 + m2]
Jisim piston bagi eksperimen, m2 = 50.0 g
A slotted mass, m1 = 50.0 g is placed at the top of the piston and the difference in the height, h of the liquid is taken. The actual difference in the height, h is shown in Diagram 1.2 .

Pemberat, m1=50.0 g diletakkan di atas piston dan perbezaan ketinggian, h, bagi cecair diambil. Perbezaan tinggi sebenar ditunjukkan  pada rajah 1.2 .

The above procedure is repeated by varying the values of m1, to be 100.0 g, 150.0 g, 200.0 g and 250.0 g. The actual difference in height of the liquid are shown in Diagram 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 respectively.
Prosedur di atas diulangi dengan mengubah nilai m1, menjadi 100.0 g, 150.0 g, 200.0 g dan 250.0 g. Perbezaan ketinggian sebenar cecair, h,  masing-masing ditunjukkan pada Rajah 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 dan 1.6.

For the experiment described on pages 2, 3 and 4, identify:

Bagi eksperimen yang diterangkan di halaman 2, 3 dan 4, kenal pasti:

The manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan

[1 mark/markah]

The responding variables

 Pembolehubah bergerakbalas

[1 mark/markah]

The constant variable

Pembolehubah dimalarkan

[1 mark/markah]

Determine h for every difference in height on Diagram 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.
Tentukan h bagi setiap perbezaan ketinggian pada Rajah 1.2, 1.3, 1..4, 1.5 dan 1.7.

Tabulate your results for m and h for every value of m1 in the space below.
Jadualkan keputusan anda bagi m dan h untuk setiap nilai m1 pada ruang di bawah

[7 marks/markah]


On the graph paper on page 6, draw graph of h against m.

Pada kertas graf di halaman 6, lukiskan graf h melawan m.
[5 marks/markah]

Use your graph in (c), to state the relationship between m and h.

Berdasarkan graf anda di (c), nyatakan hubungan antara m dan h.

[1 mark/markah]

State the correct manipulated variable
Mass, m
State the correct responding variable
height, h

State one fixed variable
Cross sectional area // type of the liquid // density of the liquid

Tabulate m1, m, and h correctly


m1, m, and h shown in table with correct units.
Value of m1 shown in a table
All value of m  correct
All value of mand  m consistent to 1 d.p.
All value of h correct
All value of h consistent to 1 d.p.

Draw correctly a graph of a against h
h at the y-axis, m at the x-axis and correct units at both axes
Uniform scale at both axes
5 points plotted correctly  [Note : 3 or 4 points plotted correctly give1 m]
Best straight line
States the correct relationship based on the straight line drawn
Height of the liquid is directly proportional to the mass