Charles' law

Diagram 3.1 shows a plastic bottle containing hot water. The plastic bottle is then put into a basin of ice. They found that the plastic bottle crumpled as shown in Diagram 3.2.
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan sebotol bekas plastik yang mengandungi air panas. Botol plastik itu kemudiannya diletakkan ke dalam sebuah besen yang mengandungi ais. Mereka mendapati bahawa botol itu kemek seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 3.2.

Based on the observation on Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2 and using your knowledge of the gas laws:
Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda pada Rajah 3.1 dan Rajah 3.2 dan menggunakan pengetahuan anda tentang hukum gas:

State one suitable inference.
[1 mark/markah]

Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai.

State one suitable hypothesis.
[1 mark/markah]

Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai.

With the use of apparatus such as bourdon gauge and other apparatus, describe an experimental framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).

Dengan menggunakan radas seperti tolok bourdon dan radas-radas lain, terangkan satu rangka kerja untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang anda nyatakan di 3(b)

In your description, state clearly the following:

Dalam penerangan anda, jelaskan perkara berikut:

The aim of the experiment.

Tujuan eksperimen.

The variables in the experiment.

Pembolehubah dalam eksperimen.

The list of apparatus and materials.

Senarai radas dan bahan.

The arrangement of the apparatus.

Susunan radas

The procedure of the experiment which should include one method of controlling manipulated variable and one method of measuring the responding variable.

Prosedur eksperimen yang mesti termasuk satu kaedah mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dan satu kaedah mengukur pembolehubah bergerak balas.

The way you tabulate the data.

Cara anda menjadualkan data.

The way you analyse the data.

Cara anda menganalisis data.

Making the right inference
The temperature of the gas affects the volume.
Building an appropriate hypothesis
The volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure increases when its temperature is increased.
Stating the aim of the experiment
To investigate the relationship between the temperature, T and the volume, V of a gas at constant pressure (to verify Charles' law)
Stating the correct variables
Manipulated variable : temperature of trapped air, 0
Responding variable : length of air column, x
Fixed variable : atmospheric pressure@ mass of trapped air
List of appropriate apparatus and material
Capillary tube, tall beaker, thermometer, Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, retort stand, mercury or concentrated sulphuric acid, stirrer, ruler, and ice.
Describing set up of the apparatus
Draws a labeled and functional diagram of the set up of the apparatus

State how the manipulated variable is controlled
·         The air sample under investigation is trapped inside the capillary tube by a bead of concentrated sulphuric acid which acts as an index.
·      The capillary tube is mounted on a 30cm ruler such that the bottom end of the column of air is aligned with the '0' mark on the ruler.
·      Water and ice are poured into the beaker until the column of air is fully immersed under water. The water is stirred until the water temperature falls to 0 °C.
State how the responding variable is measured
The length of the air column, x is measured with the ruler and recorded.

State how the procedure is repeated to obtain at least 5 sets of results
The water is heated and continuously stirred for the values of temperature, q = 20 °C, 40 °C, 60 °C and 80 °C

[10 marks/markah]