convex mirror

Diagram 9.1 and 9.2 show parallel rays of light directed towards convex mirror P and Q.  
F refers to the focal point of the respective mirror.
Rajah 9.1 dan 9.2 menunjukkan sinar cahaya selari yang ditujukan ke arah 
cermin cembung P dan Q. F adalah titik fokus bagi setiap cermin tersebut. 


What is the focal length of a convex mirror?

Apakah panjang fokus bagi suatu cermin cembung?

[1 mark / markah]

Referring to the above diagram, compare the curve of the mirror and the way the rays are bend on passing through the mirror. State the relationship between the curve of the mirror and its focal length.

Merujuk kepada gambarajah di atas,bandingkan bentuk cermin dan bengkokan sinaran cahaya selepas melalui cermin tersebut. Nyatakan hubungan di antara bentuk cermin dengan panjang fokus.

[4 marks / markah]

You are given one convex mirror, one concave mirror and a bulb (as the source of light ray). 
With aid of a suitable ray diagram, choose any two of the materials and arrange them 
to produce a parallel light ray.

Anda di beri satu cermin cembung, satu cermin cekung dan mentol 
(sebagai sumber cahaya). Dengan bantuam gambarajah sinar, pilih 
dua dari bahan dan susun keduanya untuk menghasilkan cahaya selari.

[5marks / markah]


shows the use of mirror in our daily life.

Encik Ahmad wants to put up a mirror so that he can watch over his customer, 
especially the shoplifter in his supermarket. Explain the suitability of the mirror 
he chooses. In your explanation, state clearly

Encik Ahmad ingin meletakkan cermin untuk memerhatikan pelanggannya
 terutama pencuri di supermarketnya. Terangkan cermin yang sesuai 
digunakan. Dalam penerangan anda, nyatakan dengan jelas

the type of the mirror,

jenis cermin

the size of the mirror,

saiz cermin

the location of the mirror.

kedudukan cermin

[6 marks / markah]

The same type of mirror is also being use elsewhere in our daily lives. 
Name two other places where the mirror is being used and explain why.

Jenis cermin yang sama juga digunakan dalam keadaan lain dalam 
kehidupan harian. Namakan dua tempat di mana cermin tersebut 
digunakan dan jelaskan mengapa.

[4 marks / markah]

Supply 9 Joule electric energy for each coulomb of charge transfer from one point to another point within a material

Electrical energy à Light energy + Heat energy

Diagram 4.2 is brighter // Diagram 4.1 is dimmer

The brighter bulb has larger amount of current //
The dimmer bulb has smaller amount of current

The brighter the bulb , the higher the current flows
Internal resistance of dry cell is lower //otherwise

Lead-acid accumulator

8 dry cells are arranged in serial so the total internal resistance is
8 x 0.5 = 4 Ω
Current flow, I = V/R = 12/4 = 3 A

This small current cannot start the engine.

Use the fluorescent lamp
Consume less power and economic
Use a more efficient fluorescent lamp
It brightens the room more clearly and thoroughly and prevents wastage
Use a more energy efficient fluorescent lamp
Helps the temperature in the room to be not too hot due to less energy loss in form of heat energy.
Fuses should be connected to the fluorescent lamp
To prevent overheating of lamps might cause the fluorescent lamp to blow out.
Two or more fluorescent lamp are arrange in parallel.
If one lamp blows the rest are still functioning.