semiconductor diode

12        A semiconductor diode is made from combination of an n-type semiconductor and p-        type semiconductor.
            Diod semikonduktor diperolehi dengan mencantumkan semikonduktor jenis–n dan semikonduktor jenis-p.

            (a)        Explain how an n-type semiconductor is produced.
     Terangkan bagaimana semikonduktor jenis-n dihasilkan.

[2 marks]


            (b)       Diagram 12.1 and 12.2 shows a circuit consisting of a diode and a bulb.
                                    Rajah 12.1 dan 12.2 menunjukkan litar yang disambungkan kepada diod dan mentol.
(i)     Based on Diagram 12.1 and Diagram 12.2, which bulb will
                         light up?
                         Berdasarkan Rajah 12.1 dan Rajah 12.2, mentol yang manakah
                         akan menyala?
 [1 mark]/[1 markah]

                   (ii)Explain how the bulb will light up.
                       Terangkan bagaimana mentol boleh menyala.
 [3 marks]

           (c)You are required to set up a battery charger for your handphone by using 
               lower a.c input voltage as in Diagram 12.3 and in Table 12.1.

              Anda dikehendaki untuk menyediakan satu pengecas bateri talifon bimbit dengan             menggunakan voltan ulang alik yang rendah dengan menggunakan maklumat seperti dalam Rajah 12.3 dan dalam Jadual 12.1.

Study the information in Diagram 12.3 and Table 12.1(a),(b)&(c) determine:
Kaji maklumat dalam Rajah 12.3 dan Jadual 12.1(a),(b)&(c) tentukan:
(i)         the number of turns in the primary coil and the secondary coil of the transformer and justify your choice.
            bilangan lilitan dalam gegelung primer dan bilangan lilitan dalam gegelung sekunder bagi transformer dan jelaskan pilihan anda.


Ratio Np:Ns

Nisbah Np:Ns





Table 12.1(a)
           (ii)the type of core you will use in the transformer and justify your choice.
            Jenis teras yang anda akan gunakan bagi transformer itu dan jelaskan pilihan         anda.
Type of transformer core
Jenis teras transformer

            Solid copper core
            Teras kuprum

            Laminated copper
            Teras kuprum

            Solid soft iron core
            Teras besi lembut

            Laminated soft iron
            Teras besi lembut

Table 12.1(b)
(iii)       the diode arrangement you will use and justify your choice.
            susunan diod yang akan anda gunakan dan jelaskan pilihan anda.

Diode arrangement
Susunan diod

Half-wave rectification ircuit.
Litar rektifikasi gelombang separuh.

Full-wave rectification ircuit.
Litar rektifikasi gelombang penuh.

Table 12.1(c)

[6 marks]/[ 6 markah]

(d)        (i)         Draw a circuit  to produce full-wave rectification and show the input                      voltage  and the output voltage wave forms.
                                    Lukiskan litar yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan rektifikasi gelombang penuh dan tunjukkan bentuk gelombang bagi voltan input dan voltan output

(ii)        Explain why a capacitor is connected in the Diagram 12.3 and how it
                        Terangkan mengapa kapasitor disambungkan dalam Rajah 12.3 dan                       bagaimana ia berfungsi.       
                                    [8 marks]

                                    -intrinsic semiconductor such as silicon atom
-doped with pentavalent atom such as phosphorous
- each pentavalent atom contribute one free electron

(i)     Bulb 12.2
-          Electron from n-type drift to p-n junction
-          Holes from p-type drift to p-n junction
At the junction electrons and holes combines to ensure continuous current flow. Bulb light up
(i) Ratio Np: Ns  =Vp:Vs
                            =100    ( to get 24 V output)
(ii)type of core :Laminated soft iron core (reduce power loss due to eddy current in the core)
(iii)full wave rectification: (less power loss & continuous current)

Full wave rectification circuit diagram
Input signal – alternating current
Output signal – full wave rectification

-          To smoothen the current

-          When current increases in circuit capacitor stores charges
-          When current decreases in the circuit capacitor discharges (supply charges to the circuit)
Make the current flow more stable