
Diagram 3.1 shows a bar magnet being pushed into a solenoid at a speed of 2ms-1.


(a)               State the physical quantity that is represented by the deflection of the galvanometer.
[1 mark] / [1 markah]

(b)       (i)        State two differences that can be observed from diagram 3.1(a) 
                       and diagram 3.2(b).
                                      Nyatakan dua perbezaan yang boleh diperhatikan pada rajah 3.1(a)
                                   dan rajah 3.1(b).

[ 2 marks ] / [2 markah]

                        (ii)        Based on your answer in 3(b)(i), explain why these differences
                                    Berdasarkan jawapan anda di 3(b)(i), terangkan mengapa
                                    perbezaan ini berlaku?

                                                                        [ 2 marks ] / [2 markah]

(c)        Name the physics law involved in 3 (b) (ii).
Namakan hukum fizik yang terlibat dalam 3(b)(ii).

 [1 mark] / [1 markah]

               Electromotive force // e.m.f.                           
       i- number of turns : 3.1 (a) < 3.1(b)
ii-deflection of galvanometer : 3.1(a) < 3.1(b)   
    Rate of change of flux increase
Induce emf increases 
Faradays’ Law