the emf

  1. Diagram 4.1 shows a cell connected in series with a bulb, an ammeter and a switch. A high resistance voltmeter connected across the cell gives a reading of 2 V when the switch is open (OFF)  and a reading of 1.5 V when the switch is closed (ON). The reading on the ammeter when the switch is closed (ON) is 0.3A.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan satu bateri disambung secara siri dengan satu mentol, satu ammeter dan satu suis. Satu voltmeter berintangan tinggi disambung merentasi bateri memberi  bacaan 2V bila swis dimatikan  dan bacaan 1.5V apabila swis dihidupkan. Bacaan ammeter bila suis dihidupkan ialah 0.3A.

(a)        What is the emf of the cell?
            Berapakah emf bateri itu?
[1 mark] / [1 markah]

(a)               What causes the difference in the voltmeter reading when the switch is ON and when the switch is OFF?
Apakah yang menyebabkan perbezaan bacaan voltmeter bila suis dihidupkan dengan bila suis dimatikan?
[1 mark] / [1 markah]

(c)                    Calculate the //Hitungkan,
 (i)        resistance of the bulb
4 (b)
            Rintangan mentol

[2 marks] / [2 markah]

(ii)        the internal resistance of the cell.
Rintangan dalam bateri.

[2 marks] / [2 markah]

(d)   Another identical bulb is added in parallel with the existing bulb. What is the reading of the voltmeter when the switch is ON.
Satu mentol yang serupa ditambah selari dengan mentol sedia ada. Apakah bacaan voltmeter apabila suis dihidupkan.

[1mark] / [1 markah]

2 V
Internal resistance//
R = V/I
= 1.5/0.3
=5 Ω

r  = E-V

= 2.0/(2.5+1.67)
=0.5 A