the beach

4.         In the ocean, the water is often more calm. As the waves move towards the beach they  become more distinct as shown by diagram 4.1. Study the shape and wave length  shown in  diagram 4.1.

            Di tengah lautan, air laut biasanya lebih tenang. Apabila gelombang semakin menghampiri pantai, ombak menjadi lebih jelas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah 4.1. Kaji bentuk dan panjang gelombang yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah 4.1.

Diagram 4.1/Rajah 4.1

            Based on the information and the observation above:
            Berdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian di atas

State one suitable inference
Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai[
        [1 mark
State one suitable hypothesis .
Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai
        [1 mark


With the use of apparatus such as ripple tank, stroboscope and other suitable apparatus,  describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).  In your description, state clearly the following :

Dengan menggunakan radas seperti tangki riak , stroboskop dan lain-lain radas yang sesuai, teangkan satu rangka kerja eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang anda nyatakan di 4(b). Didalam penerangan anda, nyatakan dengan jelas yang berikut:

(i)                 Aim of the experiment
             Tujuan eksperimen

(ii)               Variables in the experiment
Pembolehubah dalam eksperimen

(iii)             List of apparatus and materials.
Senarai radas dan bahan

      (iv)        Arrangement  of the apparatus
                    Susunan radas

(iv)             The procedure of the experiment which includes the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable.
Prosedur eksperimen termasuk kaedah mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dan kaedah mengukur pemblehubah bergerak balas.

(v)               The way you would tabulate the data
             Cara anda akan menjadualkan data

(vi)             The way you would analyse the data.
             Cara anda akan menganalisis data

[10 marks]


Write the aim of the experiment
To investigate the relationship between depth and wavelength

State the manipulated variable and responding variable
Manipulated variable   : depth, h
Responding variable    : wavelength, λ  

State the fixed variable

State the complete list of apparatus and materials
D.c. power supply, ripple tank and accessories, lamp, metre rule, white paper, 5 pieces of perspecs/glass, stroboscope

Draw a functional diagram of the apparatus

State how the manipulated variable is controlled
The current was switched on.
The put one piece of perspecs in the ripple tank

State how the responding variable is measured
Mark the position of wave on the white paper as seen through the stroboscope
Measure the wavelength

State how the procedure is repeated to obtain at least 5 sets of results
The procedure was repeated for different depth by putting pieces of perspecs on top of the previous perspecs in the ripple tank; 2,3,4 and 5 number of perspecs.

State how the data is tabulated
Depth/ number of perspecs
Wavelength / cm






State how the data is analysed
A graph of depth against wavelength  is drawn