object in front of a bulb

3.         Diagram 3.1shows an object in front of a bulb. The object is 10 cm from the convex lens. A screen is placed behind the lens and the distance is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on the screen. The distance between the object and the lens is then increased as shown by diagram 3.2. The image formed on the screen in diagram 3.2 is smaller than in diagram 3.1.

             Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan satu objek di hadapan satu mentol. Objek itu berada 10 cm dari kanta cembung. Satu skrin diletakkan di belakang kanta dan jaraknya dilaraskan sehingga satu imej yang tajam terbentuk. Jarak antara objek dan kanta kemudian ditambah seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah 3.2. Imej yang terbentuk di atas skrin dalam rajah 3.2 lebih kecil dari rajah 3.1.

Based on the information and observation above:
Berdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian di atas:

(a)        State one suitable inference                                                                       [1 mark]               Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai    
The object distance affects the size of the image
(b)        State one suitable hypothesis                                                                                      Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai                                                                 

The greater the object distance, the smaller the size of the image

                                                                                                                          [1 mark]

(c)        With the use of apparatus such as convex lens and other       suitable apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3 (b). In your description, state clearly the following:

Dengan menggunakan radas seperti kanta cembung dan radas lain yang sesuai, huraikan  satu rangka eksperimen untuk mengkaji hipotesis yang dinyatakan di 3 (b).
Didalam penerangan anda, nyatakan dengan jelas yang berikut:

(i)         Aim of the experiment
            Tujuan eksperimen

To investigate the relationship between the object distance and the size of the image

(ii)        Variables in the experiment
            Pemboleubah di dalam eksperimen
Manipulated variable            : object distance, u
Responding variable : size of the image, H
State the fixed variable
Focal length of the lens / type of lens
(iii)       List of apparatus and materials
            Senarai radas dan bahan
Convex lens with holder, light bulb with power supply, screen, metre rule

(iv)       Arrangement of the apparatus
            Susunan radas
Light bulb in holder connected to power supply// Cross-wire as the object in front of the bulb, convex lens in holder and screen – all align.
(v)        The procedure of the experiment which include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable.
            Prosedur eksperimen yang meliputi kaedah untuk mengawal pembolehubah                                     manipulasi dan kaedah untuk mengukur pembolehubad bergerak balas.
The convex lens is placed at distance of, u = 15 cm from the object
The screen is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on it.
The size of the image, H is measured.

The procedure is repeated with values of u = 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 35 cm and 40 cm.

(vi)       The way you would tabulate the data
                        Kaedah untuk menjadual data
u / cm
H / cm






            (vii)     The way you would analyze the data                                                                                      Kaedah untuk menganalisis data
                                                                                                                              [10 marks]
A graph of H against u is drawn