specific heat capacity of cooking oil

Diagram 2.1 is a graph of temperature, Ɵ against time, t of an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of cooking oil, c .

Rajah 2.1 ialah graf suhu, Ɵ melawan masa, t bagi satu  eksperimen untuk menentukan muatan haba tentu minyak masak , c.

(a)     Based on the graph:
Berdasarkan graf:

(i)                 Determine the initial temperature of the cooking oil. Show on the graph how you determine this value.

Tentukan suhu awal minyak masak. Tunjukkan pada graf bagaimana anda menentukan nilai ini.

                      ............ 25°C.........................................................................................................
[ 2 marks]/[2 markah]

(i)                 What is the relationship between temperature of cooking oil, Ɵ and time of heating, t.
Nyatakan hubungan antara suhu minyak masak, Ɵ  dan masa pemanasan, t.
increases linearly with t
       [1 mark ]/[ 1 markah]

(ii)               Calculate the gradient of the graph, m. Show on the graph how you determine the gradient.
Hitung kecerunan graf, m. Tunjukkan pada graf bagaimana anda menentukan kecerunan graf.
8.0°C min-1

[3 marks]/[ 3 markah]


(a)     A 200 W immersion heater was used to supply heat energy to the cooking oil.
The cooking oil has a mass of 0.4 kg.
Pemanas rendam berkuasa 200 W digunakan untuk membekal tenaga haba kepada minyak masak. Minyak masak yang digunakan berjisim 0.4 kg.

           (i)  Calculate the amount of electrical energy, E used by the immersion heater in 5 minutes.
                 Hitung jumlah tenaga elektrik, E yang digunakan oleh pemanas rendam dalam masa 5 minit.

E=P x t = 200 x 5 x 60

60 000 J
[2 marks]/[2 markah]

          (ii)  The relationship between power of immersion heater, P, mass of cooking oil, M,  gradient, m and specific heat capacity, c is given by the following equation:
                  Hubungan antara kuasa pemanas rendam, P, jisim minyak masak,M, kecerunan graf, m dan muatan haba tentu,c diberi oleh persamaan di bawah:

                                              c =  60 P

                 Using the value of gradient of graph,m obtained in a(iii) and other given values, calculate the specific heat capacity of the cooking oil.
                 Menggunakan nilai kecerunan graf, m yang diperolehi dalam a(iii) dan nilai-nilai lain yang diberi hitung muatan haba tentu minyak masak

Make the correct substitution
C = 60 P   =    60  x  200
mM          8   x   0.4

State the correct answer

State the correct unit
J kg-1°C-1
   [3 marks]/[3 markah ]  

(c)   State one precaution that should be taken for this experiment.
        Nyatakan satu langkah berjaga-jaga yang patut di ambil dalam eksperimen ini.

 Eye perpendicular to scale of thermometer to avoid parallax error
-Repeat experiment 4 times and calculate average
-Stir cooking oil before taking thermometer reading to get uniform temperature ……………………………………………………………………….....................
                                                                                           [1 mark] /[1 markah]