specific latent heat

Diagram shows the two identical sets of arrangement of the apparatus that is used to determine the specific latent heat of fusion of ice. One of the sets is called a control set which is without a power supply.
Rajah menunjukkan susunan dua set radas yang serupa yang digunakan untuk menentukan haba pendam tentu pelakuran ais. Salah satu set itu dipanggil set kawalan yang tidak mempunyai bekalan kuasa.

The aim of the control set is
Tujuan set kawalan itu ialah

A To find the mass of ice melted due to the heat absorbed from the surroundings.
    mencari jisim ais yang melebur akibat penyerapan haba dari persekitaran.

B To find the mass of water formed by condensation from the vapour in ice.
    mencari jisim air yang terhasil akibat kondensasi wap di udara.

C To detect any change in the melting point of the ice.
    mengesan sebarang perubahan takat lebur ais.

Answer : A
The specific latent heat of fusion is the quantity of heat needed to change 1 kg of a solid to a liquid at its melting point without any increaseto temperature.