
Which of the following characteristics can distinguish between transverse waves and longitudinal waves?
Antara ciri berikut, yang manakah dapat membezakan antara gelombang melintang dengan gelombang membujur?

A The direction of propagation of the waves
    Arah perambatan gelombang 
B The frequency of the propage waves
    Frekuensi gelombang yang merambat 
C The amplitude of the wave compare to the wave length
    Amplitud gelomabng berbanding dengan panjang gelombang  
D The direction of vibration of medium particles compare to the direction of wave propagation
    Arah getaran zarah-zarah medium berbanding dengan arah perambatan gelombang

Answer: D
The direction of vibration of medium particles compare to the direction of wave propagation is used to distinguish between transverse wave and longitunal wave